Saturday 28 August 2010

Getting Ready

We're not quite sure how this has all come about but it appears that "Annie" will shortly be hosting her first supper club!

With our love of food, growing our own vegetables, and baking we are looking forward to sharing our taste adventures with our guests and showing them that gluten-free food does not equal taste-free food!

At the moment we are busy putting the finishing touches to our newly redecorated dining room. We have a lovely fireplace which we have made a feature of using our favourite Moroccan Red on the chimney breast.

We are also frantically scrabbling around for enough crockery and cutlery to furnish our tables.

Meanwhile it is great to discover a whole new world out here in foodie land with a great network of fellow supper club hosts, underground restaurants, pop-ups and the like. We are very much looking forward to having successful evenings to share!

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